“El Apagón: Aquí Vive Gente” is a documentary directed by Bad Bunny and Blanca Graulau. This 23-minute film explores the socio-economic challenges in Puerto Rico, focusing on the effects of power outages and gentrification driven by the real estate and energy sectors. Through visuals and personal stories, the documentary highlights the experiences of Puerto Rican communities facing these issues.
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The Blackout: People Live Here
123movies9moviesBianca GraulauBrock PierceEl Apagón: Aquí Vive Gente OnlineFreegomoviesgostreamJorge Luis GonzálezLaura Mía GonzálezLilia LucianoLogan PaullosmovieMacKenzie SigalosMaricusa Hernándezmovie25movie4kmovietvprimewireputlockerputlockersputlockertvSeema ModyshocksharesitenamesolarmovieVico CWatch El Apagón: Aquí Vive Gentewatch32yesmovie