Hakubo tells the story of two young people who live in rural Fukushima: Sachi Koyama,…
3 months ago
Hakubo tells the story of two young people who live in rural Fukushima: Sachi Koyama,…
The new enemies, Nahane and Ohanefu, along with the mysterious new Giant Monstrous Beings appear…
It is not strange that the Demon Lord's forces fear the Crimson Demons, the clan…
Living by the sea, protecting the sea, and journeying across the sea…They’re the BLUE MERMAIDS!…
With the help of the "Dragon Sin of Wrath" Meliodas and the worst rebels in…
Tristan, the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth, inherits the power of the Goddess Clan and…
Reunited with Lancelot for the first time since their tragic accident, Tristan must learn to…