Santa and Mrs. Claus, played by “Entertainment Tonight’s” Kevin Frazier and Nischelle Turner, respectively, enlist the help of Disney Channel stars to save the holidays from Ebenezer Scrooge (“Raven’s Home”…
Disney Channel fan-favorite stars take on a variety of zany characters and spooktacular spoofs in this sketch comedy show. Filmed remotely, and hosted by Tobie Windham (“Just Roll with it”),…
Harnessing the unifying power of music, Disney Channel is presenting a night of entertainment for kids and families with two music specials featuring a bevy of fan-favorite Disney Channel stars,…
Zed and Addison are back at Seabrook High, where, after a groundbreaking semester, they continue to steer both their school and community toward unity. But the arrival of a new…
Zed and Addison are beginning their final year at Seabrook High in the town that’s become a safe haven for monsters and humans alike. Zed is anticipating an athletic scholarship…