An introverted, shy young man struggles to find his place in society while dealing with its people and his surroundings, until an accident turns his life upside down. But will…
The story follows a drug dealer who is exposed to many problems after he becomes accused of murder, which drives him to try to prove his innocence and repent.
A group of young people during high school in Egypt, where electronic cheating appears largely on social networking sites , or what is known as (Shaw-Ming Cheating High School).
Set during the 1940s in Egypt, where an accident causes an Egyptian employee and his family to be in danger during the outbreak of some war, and soon, a conflict…
Marital problems happen every day where one day the couple decided to involve others in their problems . During the clash of the parties , the metal door lock breaks…
As the unemployed Safiha and Hamada are looking for a suitable job opportunity to earn a living, they decide to offer themselves for rent to whoever pays them to meet…
The events take place in a romantic comedy framework when the famous DJ Fares is exposed to a number of funny situations and comic paradoxes because he is unable to…