This is inspiring tale revolves around a youngster from a poor family who makes all efforts to win the prestigious ‘Maharashtra Kesari’ Wrestling competition. Will he achieve his ultimate goal…
It is a hair-raising journey into the world of two lovers as both their families are ripped apart for the sake of revenge and power, and an entertaining look at…
The film, set in the 1980s and 90s, chronicles the transformation of Bombay to Mumbai. The story is a cat and mouse game between a deadly don, Amartya Rao, who…
An ambitious Indian driver uses his wit and cunning to escape from poverty and rise to the top. An epic journey based on the New York Times bestseller.
Govind Pathak’s son Abhay Pathak is held responsible for the death of his wife Suhasini. Govind, who wishes the young generation to give time and attention to their parents, brings…