While celebrating Christmas at a cabin in the woods, a group of high school students are stalked by a psychotic killer obsessed with horror movie icons.
Heaven’s daughter Annie finds herself orphaned and crippled. Whisked off to Farthinggale Manor by Tony Tatterton, Annie pines for her lost family, especially for her half-brother Luke. Without the warm…
Kat is an aspiring singer-songwriter who dreams of making it big. However, her dreams are stalled by her reality: a conniving and cruel stepfamily and a demoralizing job working as…
Interior designer trying to save her home renovation show needs to apply her successful, upscale “fixer upper” home renovation strategy to her blue collar carpenter by making the sweet but…
Jennifer Shannon agrees to help fellow antiques dealer Miles Wexford by bidding on items at a police auction on his behalf. When he turns up dead, she investigates a counterfeiter…