In a series of heinous events one dark night, in the by lanes of Delhi; two brothers come face-to-face with a nightmare they never imagined. Their entire life turns upside…
In the ruthless realm of the Fisheries mafia, two childhood friends, Uday and Salman, form a strong and enduring alliance. Their journey is marked by navigating a perilous path under…
Richa and Hrishi are millennials, who fall in love and get married. Like most working couples today, their careers slowly start to create a divide between them. Things turn so…
The film explores barriers of class and status stitched in the minds of societies, underscoring a narrative of love that can never be fulfilled. Or can it?
A non-confrontational Jayesh decides to defy his patriarchal family and flee with his pregnant wife Mudra to save their unborn daughter from foeticide. A screwball, hilarious chase begins as Jayesh’s…