Tiki-Taka is a ZEE5 Original sports comedy movie starring Parambrata Chattopadhyay, Emona Enabulu, and Ritabhari Chakraborty. The movie revolves around Khelechi, an African national, who comes to India with a…
In the tranquil yet enigmatic village of Kaliachak, resides Asik, a bright student, who dreams of living a life as vast as the open sky. However, beneath the seemingly straightforward…
An old lady, Shobharani Basu, is found dead in her apartment. A self-appointed private investigator calls it a murder. What could be the cause of her death?
Kaushik Ganguly will bring the story of dismissal in his new film ‘Palan’ in the context of 2022. The characters of Kharij will remain the same, the names will not…