Rider is a romantic action entertainer movie directed by Vijay Kumar Konda. Produced by Sunil Gowda Chandru Manoharan. The movie casts Nikhil Kumar and Kashmira Pardeshi are in the lead…
A group of friends go to a village for festivities and later hear stories of some deaths in the area. They soon realize one of them is missing. Will they…
Raghava lives in Lucknow with his son Arjun and is the head cook in a Brahmin’s catering unit. He leads a peaceful existence, wanting the best for his son. All…
Santhosh Kumar, who goes by the name James, runs a security agency and has been commissioned to take care of a family that owns a drug cartel. He is swift,…
While the Heroine, a young medical student is researching why split personality exists in humans, she is introduced to the Hero who often behaves strangely.