This is inspiring tale revolves around a youngster from a poor family who makes all efforts to win the prestigious ‘Maharashtra Kesari’ Wrestling competition. Will he achieve his ultimate goal…
In Mumbai, Nurse Prabha’s routine is troubled when she receives an unexpected gift from her estranged husband. Her younger roommate, Anu, tries in vain to find a spot in the…
Three childhood friends embark on a trip to Goa that goes completely off-track when they wake up in their hotel room to find a cache of cocaine belonging to a…
An arranged marriage in Mumbai: the husband is limp and spineless and, once the wife arrives in the marital hovel, she assumes a particularly crude form of misanthropy. Trapped in…
Duped and sold to a brothel, a young woman fearlessly reclaims her power, using underworld connections to preside over the world she was once a pawn in.
This movie is a brutal look at coming of age in a city whose citizens have been famished by brutality and sin for centuries. It is said that the night…
Set in 2001, somewhere in rural India, two young brides get accidentally swapped on a train. In the ensuing chaos, they each encounter a host of colourful characters, resulting in…