In a dystopian nation where people’s lives are determined based on 3 phases, a 13-year-old living in the monotonous, coercive, repressive, and repetitive life cycle of phase II attempts to progress to phase III hoping for a better life.
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Phase III
123movies9moviesAina Grané PérezBeau BellBrooklyn LarsonElizabeth GlammeyerEmma SchmittFreegomoviesgostreamHarlee HollibaughJessica Caylin WestJohnathon RodriguezlosmovieMcKenna Elisemovie25movie4kmovietvPhase III OnlineprimewireputlockerputlockersputlockertvRheese WheelershocksharesitenamesolarmovieWatch Phase IIIwatch32yesmovie