The extraordinary life of playwright, singer, actor, composer, and director Noël Coward, who rose from poverty to stardom while keeping his sexuality a secret. Featuring Laurence Olivier, Maggie Smith, Frank Sinatra, Michael Caine and Lucille Ball. Narrated by Alan Cumming. With Rupert Everett as the voice of Noël Coward. Directed by Academy Award Nominee Barnaby Thompson.
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Mad About the Boy: The Noël Coward Story
123movies9moviesAlan CummingFrank SinatraFreegomoviesgostreamHarold PinterLauren BacallLaurence OlivierlosmovieLucille BallMad About the Boy: The Noël Coward Story OnlineMaggie SmithMichael Cainemovie25movie4kmovietvNoël CowardprimewireputlockerputlockersputlockertvRupert EverettshocksharesitenamesolarmovieWatch Mad About the Boy: The Noël Coward Storywatch32yesmovie