12-year-old Florian and his beloved dog Lassie live in an idyllic village in the German countryside. When Florian’s father loses his job, the family have to move into a small apartment where there are no dogs allowed. Lassie is given away to another family, but Florian and Lassie yearn to be reunited again so Florian sets out on an adventure to find his best friend.
Lassie Come Home
123movies9moviesAnna Maria MüheBella BadingChristoph LetkowskiFreegomoviesgostreamJana PallaskeJohann von BülowJustus von DohnányiLassie - Eine abenteuerliche Reise OnlinelosmovieMatthias Habichmovie25movie4kmovietvNico MarischkaprimewireputlockerputlockersputlockertvSebastian BezzelshockshareSina Bianca HentschelsitenamesolarmovieWatch Lassie - Eine abenteuerliche Reisewatch32yesmovie