In this drama set on Shikina Island, a far-flung island of the Japanese archipelago located more than six hours from the Japanese main islands, the young physician Kensuke Goto arrives at the island and has to deal with the island’s inhabitants, not eager to accept him, at a clinic lacking sufficient medical equipment. Here’s a human drama showing how Dr. Coto values the dignity of human life while unflinchingly facing disease with a serious attitude.
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Dr. Coto’s Clinic
123movies9moviesAyumi ItoDr.コトー診療所 OnlineErika IkutaFreegomoviesgostreamHidetaka YoshiokaKaito TakahashiKo ShibasakilosmovieMasato Sakaimovie25movie4kmovietvNene OtsukaprimewireputlockerputlockersputlockertvRyunosuke KamikiSaburo TokitoshocksharesitenamesolarmovieWatch Dr.コトー診療所watch32yesmovieYu Aoi